The Alternative Multi-band Solution

Granite State Antenna -- Northwood, NH -- 603-731-0710 --

Now in use by Army Special Forces in Iraq

Secure Order Form

Your Ordering Options:
  1. Submit this Secure Order Form via Internet using MasterCard or Visa.
  2. Print this form and mail with your check or money order (see address below).
  3. Call me at 1-603-731-0710 with your order (best time to call is 9:00am to 5:00pm Eastern Time).

Contact & Shipping Information:
Full Name:
Shipping Address:
State: Zip:
Daytime Phone No.:
Evening Phone No.:
E-Mail Address:

Items to be Ordered:
Product Description Quantity Price Total
UltraLite Senior: 160m-10m, 140ft $190.00 each
UltraLite Junior: 80m-10m, 73ft $180.00 each
UltraLite Kid: 40m-6m, 41ft $150.00 each
100' Roll 3/32" Dacron Line * $11.00 each
Balun Designs Balun (2KW) * $95.00 each
    Antennas: $19.50 per antenna
    Baluns: FREE w/Antenna Purchase
    Dacron Line:  FREE w/Antenna Purchase
Shipping Charge:
* Balun and Dacron Line only available for purchase when ALSO purchasing one of my antennas.

Payment Information
MasterCard   Visa
Credit Card Number:
Expiration (MM/YY):
Name on Card:
Card Code: What is this?
Check   Money Order
   Make payable to Granite State Antenna and mail to:
      Joe Kramas, K1JEK
      201 Lower Deerfield Rd
      Northwood, NH 03261

   Order will be held until check or money order is received.
   Checks and Money Orders must be drawn on a US Bank in US Funds.
Comments and Special Instructions

Enter any comments or instructions regarding this order:

NOTE! After you click the "Send Order" button, a new web page will appear, confirming your order. To report trouble with order submission, send an e-mail message to

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